Influencer Marketing has been dubbed to be on the rise yearly. There is a reason to be on a platform with a specified aim. Influencer marketing has been predicted to have a market size of 10 billion by the end of 2021. More than 380 platforms and agencies were created last year on influencer marketing. In the years ahead, 80% of marketers will increase their influencer marketing budget.
Let me Share with you Influencer Marketing trends you should use for product promotion.
New Content Creators:
The more social platforms emerge the newer is available. In 2020, Tik Tok became very popular for video and music. The platform allowed the emergence of new content creators.
Diversity and Inclusion:
Social activism in 2021 spotlighted a lack of diversity in influencer marketing and inequality faced by Black content creators. Many brands were held accountable for hypocrisy or unfair pay, a lot of content creators were vocal about how there is a need to be more represention in influencer marketing .
Carin a social activist once said -“Diversity and inclusion are less about a program, and more about helping people become comfortable enough to have a dialogue about their experiences—including times when we have felt like an outsider”
Live Video:
Video continues to be on the rise with Tik Tok, Instagram reels, youtube and zoom taking the lead. Video has come to stay as far as the target market has the time to interact. These days the high increase of fake products, brands need to show the authenticity of what they have to offer using the live video of an app.
Content Value:
Consumers have a reason for being online, influencers also have what they offer. There must be an exchange of value. Content value in terms of audio, email, e-books or entertainment.
Consumers don’t want to be left out, which is why brands are using influencers to challenge their followers. Brands want to get the necessary trend through a hashtag, consumers on the other hand have a sense of participation. A celebrity taking part in a meal course and telling their followers to take part in order to get rewarded is a big trend that will happen in 2020.
Video Content :
Video content now has a tendency for views as consumers’ curiosity for viewing video is on an increasing side. consumers are willing to either learn or get entertained, brands need to use this opportunity to pass out their message quickly.
Chat Rooms/ group:
Humans have taken the way they live online. We were familiar with groups, clubs, and associations. This has now been brought online as features where we have whats app group, Facebook group pages and google hangout.
The paid partnership has become a new norm on Instagram, with celebrities with the right numbers willing to dish out the new skincare product they found. Also, celebrities don’t want to lose followers and most app users are not finding it comfortable seeing ads. Brands now let people know of their new partnership and what they have to offer.
Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality:
Leverage AI and VR to explore how it can future marketing effort. Brands like L’ Oreal use face tracking or facial motion capture, a computer-vision technology that collects data from images and videos by mapping 64 data points of facial landmarks in real-time to determine head poses, facial expressions, the different skin tones on the lips and face, and facial contours.
Platforms and New tools:
The first 3 months of 2021, has seen an increase in New platforms and tools flooded the social scene giving influencers more creative sharing power than ever. One of the most notable additions to the social platform line-up is Clubhouse;- an audio chat iPhone app there are also new features such as tweet fleet and a tweeter voice record.
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